The Art Pristine Foundation

The Art Pristine Foundation (APF) is a non-for-profit organization which aims to harbinger development and social change through participative involvement of development experts, policy- makers, social-scientist, political-executives, technology-drivers and the common people.

APF is focused on using Information Communication Technology (ICT) for sustainable and socio-politico-economic development of the communities through livelihood projects, democratic and transparent governance, capacity-building, and entrepreneurship development.  The core idea behind the foundation of APF is to bridge the digital divide and using ICT for social and economic upliftment of the downtrodden.

Mr. Devendra Singh Bhadauria, Founding-Director, started APF to realize twin goals of development-equity and sustainability. APF has actively been involved since in different spheres of ICT and digital technology to make it user-friendly at the grassroot level.

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